50 Positive Self Confidence Affirmations

How daily affirmations can help to improve your confidence and self esteem, with 50 positive self confidence affirmations to get you started.


What Are Daily Affirmations?

The word affirmation generally refers to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment using key phrases as reinforcement.
Affirmations are closely related to mantras. The word mantra comes from the Sanskrit, man – to think and tra- to liberate, meaning to free yourself with the power of thought.
Affirmations are aimed to affect both the conscious and the unconscious mind. Daily affirmations will evoke mental images which can inspire you. 
Affirmations work best when repeated regularly and are in the present tense.

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 The Benefits of Daily Affirmations 

  • They can motivate you
  • They help keep your mind focused
  • Can open you up to new possibilities 
  • They can help change the way you think
  • They are flexible, they can be whatever you want them to be
  • They can be applied to any aspect of your life
  • Repeated statements of positivity can eliminate doubt and insecurity 


How To Use Daily Affirmations


  • Schedule a specific time that is convenient for you to repeat the affirmations and stick to it.
  • Choose affirmations that apply specifically to you. There are examples below or you can write your own. Between 3 and 5 is usually a good number to start with.
  • If you decide to write your own affirmations then making a list of your negative beliefs is a good place to start. Then turn each negative statement into a positive one.
  • Make sure you repeat your affirmations daily for at least 5 minutes. This may seem a bit weird or uncomfortable at first but stick with it. It will get easier over time.
  • Repetition is the key to affirmations. If you are not feeling it at first just keep going. It will take time to reinforce those positive statements.
  • Try to repeat your affirmations in a quiet, and calm environment and take the time to really think about what you are saying.
  • Always remember, practice makes perfect.


The Effects Of Low Self Confidence

Many people struggle with confidence issues, including myself. There are tips to overcome this in this post.
A lack of confidence and low self-esteem can have many negative effects.
  • Social withdrawal 
  • Emotional turmoil
  • Anxiety symptoms 
  • Inability to accept compliments 
  • A reluctance to take on challenges 
  • Avoiding change
  • Self-neglect
  • Having little or no faith in one’s own abilities 
It can be difficult to know how to boost your self-confidence. Daily affirmations can be very effective for a lack of confidence and low self-esteem. I found that they helped me a great deal on my bad days. Here is a list of my favourite powerful affirmations to increase self confidence and self-esteem.
self confidence affirmations


50 Daily Self Confidence Affirmations

  1. I am stronger than my negative thoughts.
  2. I deserve the compliments I am given.
  3. Today, I will be positive.
  4. Obstacles are merely challenges to overcome.
  5. I am powerful, confident, and capable of achieving my goals.
  6. In every struggle lies a learning experience.
  7. I embrace my individuality.
  8. I believe in myself completely.
  9. I respect myself.
  10. I approve of myself.
  11. I trust myself.
  12. I accept myself.
  13. I am not alone.
  14. My dreams are possible.
  15. I respect my limitations and I am grateful for the capabilities I do have. 
  16. I am not my mistakes.
  17. I am successful.
  18. I choose happiness.
  19. I have all I need to make today a great day.
  20. I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
  21. Confidence is my second nature.
  22. I surround myself with positive people.
  23. I love myself as I am.
  24. I love my life.
  25. I am loved, I am brave, I am good enough.
  26. My self-esteem is growing every day.
  27. I have nothing to prove to anyone.
  28. I am fully committed to achieving my goals.
  29. I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
  30. I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
  31. I deserve to be successful.
  32. I feel good about being alive.
  33. I am capable of handling anything.
  34. I have enough, I do enough, I am enough.
  35. I love to make new friends.
  36. I am fearless.
  37. I am unique.
  38. I will always have the ability to grow.
  39. I have the power within me to change.
  40. I can easily adapt to change.
  41. I am capable of making my own choices.
  42. I can speak my mind with confidence.
  43. I view myself with kindness.
  44. I am becoming more self confident each day.
  45. I am grateful for everything that I have.
  46. I am confident and strong.
  47. I am in full control of my life.
  48. I am committed to improving my life.
  49. I have very high self-esteem.
  50. I have complete confidence in my decisions.
So there you have it, my top self confidence affirmations. Choose a few and be consistent, let me know how you get on in the comments.

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